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May 6, 2008

So today on ABC4 on the 6 o clock news my uncle was interveiwed and it was sad but it put the word out about the benefit. so that was cool! and if u go on their site look under top stories and it should pull the story up! also the website with the auction items has been uptaded alot! so check that out! ya thats pretty much it!
Posted at: 08:16 PM | 5 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Benefit Concert

May 2, 2008

Ok so I havent really posted for a while cuz I havent really had anything to talk about but now I do. So my dad and a bunch of other people are putting together a benefit concert/carnival/auction for my uncle Nate who lost his wife and new baby boy a few weeks ago and didnt have any insurance or anything so he has a huge bill to pay and no money to pay it! So thats where this benefit thing comes in. We are tryin to raise money to help my uncle out. So im gonna be posting all the info about it as I can so if any of you are interested you can come! So first of all it will be on Sat. May 17 from 4:00 to 8:00. It will be in Eagle Mountain, Utah at the Silverlake Apmhitheatre. There will be a concert featuring Peter Breinholt. And hes way good! There will be lots of fun games and stuff to do there and a silent auction with tons of COOL items to bid on and raffle drawings. Some of the few items to be auctioned off and to be in the raffle drawing are Golf lessons,  A bunch of gift certificates to...

Posted at: 11:04 PM | 10 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


April 20, 2008

Ok so im so excited cuz i finally won my first of 5 games on my spring season with my comp team! which is kinda sad but glad!Laughing


Posted at: 05:38 PM | 3 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

American Idol

April 2, 2008

Ok so i was watching American Idol last night and everybody did like way good! But I still think David Archuleta should win the whole thing! So VOTE! Ok so other than him the other people i think should stay are: Brooke White, and David Cook. I also think Jason Castro and Ramiele Malubay are pretty good too! So tell me who you think should win!!!
Posted at: 02:19 PM | 12 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Byu or Utah

March 24, 2008

Ok I wish I could put polls on my site but i cant cuz it costs money so...ill just do it here.

OK so heres a really popular one!-



Posted at: 04:27 PM | 16 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Monkey Kick Off Challenge

March 21, 2008

Ok this game is from the site and is pretty fun. So here is the link to it click on it and u will see my record. if u beat it copy your score, paste it and send it to me on my email, which is-


Posted at: 11:00 AM | 7 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


March 20, 2008

ok im really bored!...................................................................................................................................................................bored to tears i tell u bored to tears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cry


Posted at: 01:11 PM | 7 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


March 20, 2008

Ok i'm curious, leave your comments here on what is the best sport ok? so i say soccer. Leave your favorite sport in the comments and we will see which sport wins!


Posted at: 01:03 PM | 26 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

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